On June 1, 2020 Massachusetts will be saying good-bye to menthol and in doing so saying good-bye to Big Tobacco’s racial targeting (specifically Menthol, within the Black Community) for the last six-decades, no more Newport-Lights, Salem, Kool’s etc.
How did this Law happen: House Bill 4183. “An Act to Modernize Tobacco Control”
Lots of reasons but none so strong as the youth voice; Senator Keenan echoed this in the Globe and in a thank-you letter to PUSH-Up.
PUSH-Up’s role, as a Chapter of the 84 Movement is to name a few:
Educate their peers and adults about the tobacco and vaping industries’ marketing tactics
Help to create change locally and statewide to reduce the influence of tobacco in our community
Survey youth and adults about their perception of the prices and availability of other tobacco products and promote social norms messaging around youth tobacco use