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June 1 - No Menthol Law

On June 1, 2020 Massachusetts will be saying good-bye to menthol and in doing so saying good-bye to  Big Tobacco’s racial targeting (specifically Menthol, within the Black Community) for the last six-decades, no more Newport-Lights, Salem, Kool’s etc. 

How did this Law happen: House Bill 4183. “An Act to Modernize Tobacco Control”

Lots of reasons but none so strong as the youth voice; Senator Keenan echoed this in the Globe and in a thank-you letter to PUSH-Up.

PUSH-Up’s role, as a Chapter of the 84 Movement is to name a few:

  • Educate their peers and adults about the tobacco and vaping industries’ marketing tactics

  • Help to create change locally and statewide  to reduce the influence of tobacco in our community

  • Survey youth and adults about their perception of the prices and availability of other tobacco products and promote social norms messaging around youth tobacco use


© 2021 by Push Up Program

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